Alerts 71 Bus

Our approach to consultation and engagement

We also carry out consultation in order to comply with legislation, contractual obligations, funder requirements and bidding guidance, and for the purposes of developing and communicating Equality Impact Assessments and measures to further equality.


We will encourage and assist commercial transport operators to consult passengers and residents on proposed changes to routes, service levels, fares and other aspects of their service provision.


Our approach to engagement covers a range of activities, including:


  • Communication - giving information about events, what WYCA and Metro do, decisions, services and changes to services etc.
  • Market research and customer satisfaction surveys - collecting information on opinions, attitudes and priorities to inform decision making, measure customer satisfaction and/or improve service delivery.
  • Consultation - seeking views on policy decisions, strategic planning, changes to service provision, equality issues, new initiatives, questions or proposals and taking them into account when making a decision.
  • Analysis of feedback.


We recognise that consultation is not always appropriate, e.g. where WYCA is limited by statutory or budgetary restrictions.


Formal consultation will only be used:


  • Where it is possible to influence decision-making
  • To measure user satisfaction
  • To add to our knowledge and understanding of the transport needs of West Yorkshire
  • When we have a statutory duty to consult


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